Friday, December 5, 2008

Crazing Saddles

First, let me explain crazing. When you flex plastic enough, the surface in tension first develops microcracks (which look like little white-ish lines) before failing. This process is called crazing. If you stress the plastic enough times, the cracks will propogate (spread) and coalesce (join up) and create a fracture. This is what happened when my dense derrière remounted my cyclocross saddle over a series of probably 10 races. Result - cracked straight through:

The fracture finally competed it's journey through the shell of my saddle during a race in Livermore, California this year. On the first remount of the first lap, I heard a loud crack which I thought was my seat post slipping. I kept racing (since all the important parts were still attached to the bike) and eventually realized that I was sitting on the ass-hammock you see in the picture above. It probably dropped my saddle-pedal height about 2cm. The pounding of my heart in my ears pretty much drowned out all other sounds so I had plenty of inner thought time to consider how I was going to get a saddle and fix it before the next day's race. I have now broken three saddles racing cyclocross. Two shell failures and one rail failure (via bending). Anyone got any ideas? My remounts are pretty smooth, not too much high flying.


  1. I haven't really looked into those I-beam saddles, but I assume they have structural support where you need it... you'd probably need a new seatpost, though.

  2. Not only would I need a new fancy pants seat post, but those things probably have no flex in the middle, making for a harsh, taint-jacking ride.

  3. True. Just throw a Brooks on there - probably not the cyclocross saddle of choice, but I bet it would break in nicely with all your remounts.


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